Every year, all students, families, volunteers, teachers, and other staff members must receive Safe Environment Training. This training is available on the Diocese of La Crosse web-page.

In addition, the school has an acknowledgment form for each individual, the Diocese policies are available in the “Red” and “Green” booklets. These can be picked up from the school office or viewed online (the words red and green are hyperlinks).

Please the following link to go directly to the Diocese training guide.

Paid Staff and Volunteers in Schools

Please complete the following steps:

  1. Fill out the appropriate forms listed below according to your position and return them to the school Safe Environment Coordinator at the school office.
  2. Basic Criminal Background Check Form – this is to be done every 3 years. These are to be turned in to your parish contact (Religious Education, Youth Ministry, Secretary). They will send them to the Diocesan Coordinator. Please contact your school coordinator to see if you are compliant.
  3. Comprehensive Background Check – (FBI Release Form, fingerprint card, basic background check form) Please refer to the Safe Environment Program to see if you need to have this done (i.e. School teachers/admin/staff, Parish paid staff who have contacts with minors)
  4. Confidential Questionnaire – Every year the original needs to be reviewed and signed. Please contact your parish coordinator for this form.

If you have questions, please contact:

Safe Environment Program Coordinator
PO Box 4004
La Crosse, WI 54602-4004
Phone: (608)791-2679
Fax: (608)791-0165